For "Download enhancers",4 columns were listed as: chrom-Enh - Name of the chromosome for enhancer; chromStart - The starting position of enhancer; chromEnd - The ending position of enhancer; enhancer signal - enrichment score. Please note that the enrichment score for the consensus enhancer was calculated as the combination of enrichment scores from individual tracks. For "SNPs with enhancers",8 columns were listed as: chrom-Enh - Name of the chromosome for enhancer; chromStart - The starting position of enhancer; chromEnd - The ending position of enhancer; enhancer signal - enrichment score; chrom-Enh - Name of the chromosome for SNP; chromStart - The extended starting position of SNP; chromEnd - The extended ending position of SNP; Name - the SNP name. Here the SNP region was defined as the risk site and its flanking two base pairs